Thursday, December 2, 2021

Sample of a Significance of the Study


Significance of the Study

            This study shall determine the workplace practice and application of geographic information system (GIS) in the public health sector and how the education provided in the academe is compatible/incompatible with the actual practice of spatial analysis. Furthermore, this study shall illustrate the importance of spatial modelling and planning in the training of masteral level students in solving the spatial problems encountered in the workplace. This will be beneficial to educators, students and GIS practitioners alike in determining the capabilities that are required in the public health sector.

Sample of Research Questions and Hypothesis


Statement of the Problem

            This proposed paper shall evaluate the spatial analysis models and in the public health sector and shall be compared to what is taught in the masteral level. Essentially, the study shall focus on the problems encountered in the spatial modelling and planning in the public health and how the education system helps/lacks in the training of the students.

            Specifically, two questions shall be answered: (1) What are the problems, factors and challenges facing the public health sector in GIS spatial modelling and how does the training of the masteral students addresses this problem? (2) Can the masteral training of the public health practitioners support and address the spatial problems encountered in the workplace application?


            This study shall test the following null hypothesis:

Public Health Schools provide inadequate GIS education for the actual applications of spatial methods and analysis in the public health sector.

Sample of a Conceptual Framework


Conceptual Framework

This paper shall utilize the mathematical modelling by Arbia, G., Griffith, D. and Haining, R. (1999). The purpose of adopting this approach using maps and error processes with simple but well-defined properties is to understand better how different elements of the situation, individually and together, contribute to the final propagated error. The problem with using real maps (rather than artificially generated maps) is that real maps usually have complex structures so that it may not be clear the extent to which aggregate statistics computed to measure the severity of the error problem are an aggregation across many types of quite different map segments with different structures. Usually, real errors are not known for any data set, and unless their structure is uniform across the map, the same problem for interpreting aggregate statistics could arise.

Using formal mathematical modeling, rather than just simulation, means that where theoretical results can be obtained they can be used to check simulation output before the simulation is used to obtain properties that are not accessible to mathematical analysis. Furthermore it is only through formal mathematical modeling, leading to closed-form expressions, that a rigorous study can be undertaken that yields quantitative and qualitative insights as to how different elements contribute individually or interactively to error propagation. The formal expressions make the contributions explicit, and regression (adding maps) and ANOVA (ratioing) are used to quantify the relative contributions of each term in the expression. Where theoretical results have not been obtained, as in the case of ratioing, simulation alone, even with regression analysis of the outputs cannot produce the same quality of evidence because of the dangers of model misspecification in using regression. (Arbia, G., Griffith, D. and Haining, R., 1999)

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Public Health and GIS, Mismatch of Job Skills and Theoretical Training




            The escalation of geographical information system (GIS) application in several fields such as environment analysis has been progressive in relation to poverty, crime and education (Duecker and DeLacey, 1990, Huxhold, 1991, Harris and Batty, 1993). However, public health lags behind these fields in its use of GIS (Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 1994). This limitation had largely been highlighted in the literature (see Fuertstein, 1987; Drummond, 1995; National Association of  Country Clubs Off, 2002). However, the development of measures and strategies that could enhance GIS in public health had been proposed in terms of location, area and even in data processing (Queralt and Witte, 1998; McLafferty, 1998; Rushton & Frank, 1995).

The area of GIS and Public Health has risen to prominence in the past two years with the recognition that health surveillance practices and health service allocations need to become more sensitive to the needs of people in local geographic areas. The collection, storage and manipulation of geographic information have undergone a revolution in recent years with the development and widespread availability of GIS software. Many health professionals can benefit from further education in this area, and with their new knowledge, they can influence the progress of health surveillance, environmental health assessment and the geographic allocation of health resources.

            This development provide a significant catalyst for the advancement of public health GIS and the use of geospatial data through the Internet (Croner, 2003). They provide timely stimulus for the delivery of public health geospatial information for community, state, and national uses. They portend important changes. Based on emerging geospatial infrastructure in the twenty first century.

A GIS can be a useful tool for health researchers and planners because health and ill-health are affected by a variety of life-style and environmental factors, including where people live, characteristics of these locations (including socio-demographic and environmental exposure) offer a valuable source for epidemiological research studies on health and the environment. Scholten and Lepper (1991),

With the huge increase in the use by planners of geographic information systems (GIS), a need has developed for accompanying statistical routines to aid in the analysis and interpretation of geographical data particularly spatial analysis. (Levine, 1996)  Many planners use GIS to isolate geographical areas, subpopulations, land uses, and road systems according to various search criteria, extracting objects on the basis of geographical or attribute conditions. The existing GIS packages are very sophisticated tools for geographical and database operations. They can conduct a wide variety of different overlay operations: creating buffers around objects, selecting objects by their proximity to other objects, unioning smaller objects into bigger ones and splitting larger objects into smaller objects, as well as implementing a whole range of database functions (e.g., conditional queries, object queries). (Levine, 1996)

The information contained in a GIS is not in itself unique. Rather, the uniqueness of GIS lies in its ability to integrate pieces of existing spatially-referenced information in unprecedented ways. Some go so far as to say that, based on the new perspectives offered by GIS, it might even constitute a new discipline (Goodchild, 1990).  Whether or not this is a realistic assessment, there is little doubt that GIS offers great benefits in the constructivist, holistic model upon which it is based--a perspective that is gaining attention among educators (Boyer and Semrau, 1995).

Many geography educators hold that enhancing geography education must include integrating spatial technologies such as GIS (Nellis, 1994).  GIS research has in turn expanded to include theoretical and practical questions about its place in the framework of education, (Suit, 1995) since lack of such understanding would undermine the potential of the tool itself (Donaldson, 1999).  Likewise, if GIS is to evolve into a significant force in education, more thought needs to be given to how it is implemented and used in classrooms. Most geography educators concur that successful GIS implementation will not be possible without a combination of (1) acknowledgment of its usefulness by teachers and administrators; (2) a concomitant level of financial support for this technology; (3) the provision of teacher training; and (4) the creation of networks to supply teachers and administrators with the entry-level and advanced information they need to implement GIS.

This study shall investigate the disparity in terms of the curriculum of spatial methods in the Masteral level and what is taught in Schools of Public Health using GIS (geographic information systems) and what employers, particularly in the Public Health sector both private and public expect these students to be able to do using spatial analysis tools competency. Moreover, this study shall include the state and local public health offices, public health research firms, and GIS educators in order to determine if their employees coming out of these schools possess the necessary skills or are they being taught on the job to use GIS.