Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Action Research Procedural Outline, Timeline and Action Plan

Action Research Procedural Outline, Timeline and Action Plan

Action Research Question: "How does integrating Jolly phonics apps on Ipad improve Literacy Reading in Kindergarten?
Control Group: 12 Kindergarten students ranging between ages 5 and 6
Experimental Group: 12 Kindergarten students
Constant Variables: Jolly Phonics Apps
Independent Variables: Jolly Phonics Apps
Dependent Variables: Improvement in literacy reading of Kindergarten students using of Jolly Phonics apps / How many Kindergarten students improve their reading?
Setting: An international school with 86 diverse nationalities of early years students. The class is comprised of 5 boys and 7 girls. Of the 12 students, there is one Mexican, Japanese, Canadian, two are Germans, and the remaining students are Chinese.

Processes/ Actions / Steps
(What am I going to do?)
Context /
Description of the setting
(How am I going to do it?)
Resources/ Permissions
(What do I need in order to execute such actions?)
Evaluation /Data collection
(How this procedure is going to be valuable for my study? How am I going to use the different types of data collected to prove my hypotheses?)
Week 1
8 – 12, 2018
The researcher would like to see how K2 students are comfortable with their classroom set-up.
She will conduct a survey. The survey determines how the control group students feel if new learning tools are added in the classroom. It will help her decide if students can work together or work alone on an Ipad.
It will happen in room 208.

The researcher will re arrange the literacy centers by adding reading manipulative. She will display the iPads.

The students will be called in three’s when doing the survey.

Quantitative – Survey
·         The use of 5 survey questions with yes or no answers and 1 open-ended question will determine how the students respond of different teaching tools.

Week 2
15 - 19, 2018
In this week, during their center time, the researcher would be inspecting how the students respond to the use JP flashcards when reading the first and second group letter sound.
The researcher will call students in pairs and will record any observations how they read by combining the first and second group sounds.
Descriptive notes will be gathered.

It will happen in room 208.
·         Jolly Phonics group 1 to 3 flashcards
·         Jolly Phonics Group 3 Smart board activity app

·         The use Observation and Quick notes will give the researcher ideas how the use JP flashcards engage students to read.
·         The use of Notes and reflection will add information if flashcards are effective for reading.

Week 3
22 - 26, 2018
K2 students will be asked to answer some worksheets. In this paper, they will be asked to read words by sounding the letter sound.

p a n t             r e s t

c r e p t           f l a t

c a m p           m u s t

h a n d           l a m p
The researcher will give 2 tasks to each student.
·         She will call the students in three group with 4 students on the semi round table. Each child will have a worksheet.
·         She will use the Red Level books as a questionnaire guide.
It will happen in room 208.

·         Jolly Phonics letter sound group 1 to 3 and 12 Red Level Books.

Descriptive notes will be gathered.

·         Work sheets
·         Jolly Books Red Level Questionnaires

The results will be examine and interpreted after the students answer the worksheet through a data.
Later on the week, Jolly phonics apps will be added on their literacy centers.
The researcher will observe how the students will react to the new teaching tool in their literacy center.
·         The use of Observation will help the researcher understand how students respond to JP apps on the iPads.

Week 4
Oct. 29 – Nov. 2, 2018
The result of their scores on the Jolly Phonics worksheets will be gathered.

After the students took the tests, the researcher will gather and collate the result.

·         Work sheets
·         Questionnaire
The researcher will be observing the students how they engage with the iPads and JP apps.

This would allow the researcher to observe students how students feel using the introduced JP application on their Ipad.
·         How many of the students can use and can’t use JP app?
·         Who shows better performance when using the app?
·         Who demonstrated failure when using the app?
Descriptive notes will be gathered.

There will be 3 literacy centers.
·         JP flashcards
·         JP Red Level Books
·         JP apps on iPad

The use of Observation will help the researcher understand how students respond to JP apps on the iPads.

The result will give the researcher feedback if students will show improvement when using the JP app.

Week 5
5 - 9, 2018
The researcher will be inviting the 12 students to answer some series of questions regarding using the Jolly Phonics apps.

This interview will be conducted after the K2 students work on their iPad.

The students will be asked series of close and open questions regarding their use of Ipad and use of Jolly Phonics when reading.

She will interview the students across the week to avoid students imitating answers.
Descriptive notes will be gathered.

The use of Interview can be a determiner of how students feel about how the app helps them read words, phrases, and sentences.

Week 6
12 - 16, 2018
Collate and interpret results
The researcher will analyze the result of the student’s improvement when using the JP apps. She will equate the results and examine conclusions.
The researcher will use excel for interpreting data.
After gathering the data from their surveys, observation, and interviews, the researcher would collate all the findings if the use of Jolly Phonics app is useful when integrated to literacy.

·         Qualitative
·         Notes and reflection

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