Saturday, August 21, 2021

Sample of a Chapter 3 Methodology


Chapter III


          This chapter presents the methods and procedures that was used by the researcher in gathering the data needed. It also presents the research design of the study which includes the discussion of the research method and process that have been followed in this study. The sample section setting, the research constructions of instruments, the gathering and treatment of experiences and validity of analysis. This method used techniques like the statistical treatment of data gathered.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

           This present study used the embedded mixed methods design. In this research design both the quantitative and qualitative data were collected simultaneously, analyzed separately and interpreted in support of each other. According to Creswell, 2012 the basis for using the mixed method approach was to collect data using single multiple sources to eliminate the biases and limitations of employing single approach. Mixed-method will be both the quantitative and qualitative approaches.

             The researcher used the Explanatory Sequential Mixed- Method design, quantitative data is first collected and analyzed are used to drive the development of a qualitative instrument to further explore the research problem (Creswell et al 2012).

              The researcher did not only collect and analyze both kinds of data; but also involved the use of both approaches in tandem so that the overall strength of a study is greater than either quantitative and qualitative research or equal importance. In this study the emphasis is on quantitative phase to identify and purposely select participants to follow-up. The in depth interviews go “beyond the numbers” that were recorded in the quantitative analysis in order to see the richness of real social experience. The two phases of the study will be connected in the intermediate stage of the study which is the selection of the participants for qualitative study. The full integration of the findings will occur after both phases have been completed and was elaborated during the discussion of the outcomes of the entire research study (Acosta I, & Acosta A, 2017)

              Bhat (2019) Qualitative research methods aim to reveal the behavior and perception of a target audience on a particular topic and their results are descriptive and inferences can be easily drawn from the obtained data.

            Accoding to Mujis (2010), quantitative methods focus on objective measurements and statistical, mathematical or numerical analysis of data obtained through polls, questionnaires and survey and/or manipulating pre- existing statistical. It focuses on gathering numerical data across group of people.  A Quantitative research designs either descriptive (subject measured once) or experimental (subject is measured before and after a treatment).

            De Franzo (2011) stated that quantitative research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors and other defined variables- and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitatve data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys- face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, website interceptors, online polls and systematic observations.

            But above all these, the quantitative and qualitative method of research (mixed method) was deemed necessary since the use of checklist, open questionnaire, unstructured interview are also associated with these methodologies.

Population and Sample of the Study

           The respondents involved in the study comprised limited teachers in public elementary schools of name divisions of Olongapo City namely: East Bajac-Bajac Elementary School, Gordon Heights 1 Elementary School, Kalaklan Elementary School, Sta. Rita Elementary School, Tabacuhan Elementary School, Asinan Elementary School included in the sample are Teachers 1 to III and School Head who already in the Principal IV positions.


Table 1

Frequency Distributions of the Respondents





(No. of Teachers)

Name of Schools

Total Number of Teachers

Retrieval rate of Teachers’Sample

Percent of Retrieval

East Bajac-Bajac Elementary School




Gordon I Elementary School




Kalaklan Integrated School




Sta. Rita Elementary School




OCABIS Integrated School




Tabacuhan Elementary School




Asinan Elementary School




Principal IV









                  The table shows the distribution of the respondents according to 7 schools in division of Olongapo City as follows: East Bajac-Bajac Elementary School, Gordon 1 Elementary School, Kalaklan Integrated School, Sta. Rita Elementary School, OCABES Integrated School, Tabacuhan Elementary School, and Asinan Elementary School. The total number of teachers and principal as respondent in selected schools in Olongapo City is 123. The responses were retrieved but the total number of questionnaires gathered 118.

Research Instruments

        Three instruments were used to gather data for this study. These were adopted from the questionnaire leadership Assessment (Perrin et al., 2010) and Generational Study of Workplace Attitudes Instrument (Fletcher et al) and the self- made interview questionnaire presented the output of Instructional Development Program.

          Part 1 The Leadership Assessment Instrument (LAI) (Perrin et al., 2010) was used to measure the performance in all six zones of a 21st century leader which include Reflection, Society, Diversity, Ingenuity, People and Organization. It is a 25-item, 4 scale self- report inventory.

          Part 2 The Generational Study of Workplace Attitudes Instrument (2009) was used to measure attitude of a teacher, including Attitude Towards Work, Loyalty Towards Employer, Attitudes Regarding Respect and Authority, Training Styles and Needs, Desire for Work/Life Balance and Attitude Towards Supervision. It is a 25- item scale report inventory (Fletcher et al., 2009).

          Part 3 is a form of self-made interview or guided interview questions on the teachers and principal IV that can help generate facts and information for the study. Qualitative research uses three main methods of data collection: interviewing, observation and artifact analysis. Main interview types that qualitative researchers use are in depth, one-on-one interviews and focus group interviews. On the study one-on-one interviews were employed.

 Construction and Validation of Instruments

         Data and other information were gathered through reading materials such as books relating to the leadership, workplace attitude, journals, published thesis and dissertations and important manuscripts such as DEpEd Order, Memoranda and DepEd Circulars.  After in depth reading and studying samples of questionnaire from related studies, the researcher prepared the questionnaire.

          The first draft of the questionnaire will refer first to the adviser for suggestion and comments. Some changes have been for revision in order to fully corrected. The researcher will seek the assistance to the panel of experts from the Schools Division Office of Olongapo in order to strongly critique and determine of the content of the questionnaire.

            One of the experts is a Senior Education Program Specialist under the School Governance and Operation Division (SGOD), The second panel is a Doctor of Education OIC Chief of School Governance and Operation Division (SGOD). The third panel is a Doctor of Education Chief of Curriculum Implementation Division (CID).

           After their comments, suggestions and recommendations were integrated, the final draft of questionnaire was presented to the adviser for checking. Upon the approval, the researcher sent letters of permission to conduct the study addressed to the Schools Division Superintendent for the proper endorsement. The pilot testing of the questionnaire was generated the teachers of Mabayuan Elementary School.

           Since questionnaire Part 1 and 2 was adopted, and Part 3 was self - made, a pilot testing was conducted to find out the appropriateness of the items. Difficulty in the interpretation on the application of the given direction was given emphasis and suggestions were noted to enable the researcher to adopt necessary correlation or modification to suit it to the respondents.

           They dry-run were personally conducted by the researcher to selected fifteen (15) teachers in Mabayuan Elementary School. Experts examined all the three sets of questionnaires. The dry-run was conducted to determine the face validity of the instrument.

Data Gathering Procedure

           In order to facilitate the data gathering, the researcher sought permission to conduct the study from the DepEd officials like the Schools Division Superintendent, School Principals and Teachers to allow her to float the questionnaire needed in the study. Once approval and permitted, the next procedure is to distribute and retrieved the questionnaires from the concerned schools. The researcher will also conduct interviews on the teachers and principals with the use of self- made interview questionnaires.

            The process of distribution and retrieval was done for 2 months from July and August 2020. The accomplished questionnaires were examined first for any incomplete entry or discrepancies, subsequent correction was done on the spot. When follow-up was not possible these were declared missing data. When the questionnaires gathered did not meet the criteria set for the respondents, they were registered and then together with those who did not return or submit the questionnaire. Target sample was 123 was reduced to 118, this number was still statistically feasible as per advice from consultant adviser on statistics.

 The study will be limited to the use of survey questionnaire and interview and will employ quantitative and qualitative designs which is concerned with the conditions that exist or trends that are developing in the field.

 Questionnaires (Google Forms) and formal interviews will be used in the data gathering to explore the implementation of the instructional development programs.

. Using the different tools, such as questionnaire (Google form) and interview Inductive, Deductive and Conceptualizing and Theorizing Coding will help to figure out the problems encountered in the implementation of the program. One of the process it to evaluate of what would be the possible solution in managing the implementation and enhancing the instructional development program is the output of the study.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

          The data gathered from the questionnaire were treated using different statistical tools. The raw scores in the questionnaire was tallied, tabulated and treated using the following:

1. Percentage. It was used to determine the frequency counts and percentage distribution on the related factors such as age, length of service and educational qualifications of the respondents.


                    P (%) = ƒ x 100



                    P (%) =   percentage

                    N        =   total of respondents

                    ƒ         =   frequency  

2. Average Weighted Mean. It was used to determine the mean assessment of the perceptions of the respondents of the 21st century leadership zones.



                      Wx = ƒ x Re




                      Wx =  weighted mean

                       N   =   number of respondents

                       ƒ    =  frequency

                       Re  =  response equivalent

 3. Scoring. For the LAS, four choices were given for each statement. All statements are scored giving a weight to each of the alternative responses of the statement in the pattern given for all positive item: Strongly Agree (4), Agree (3), Disagree (2), Strongly Disagree (1).

4. Likert scale. It was utilized to measure respondents rate the extent to which the agree with various work-related statements. All statements are sored giving a weight to each of the alternative responses of the statement: Negative items’ weights were given a reverse score.

5. ANALYSIS OF VARIENCE (ANOVA). It was used to measure the significant difference on the respondents when grouped according to their profile variables as age, position, length of service and educational qualifications.

         The data were organized in frequency tale and analysis of these data were possible through the use of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). As one of the rules followed in the use of the software, the formula of the statistical tools used were not reflected anymore, the computer did not follow the steps in the manual commutative, the procedure in software calculation was not exactly the same as the manual calculations but the results were still the same.


    Once approved and permitted, the next procedure involved conducting interviews on the coordinators and teacher-specialists. The researcher also asked permission to conduct the interview with the use of technology like Google form, messenger, chat and text messaging or video-call for convenience. Since, the questions were in the Google form the gathering of data is easier to collect. Some were interviewed through phone and messenger because of the threat from the pandemic.



            In this study, software tools for qualitative data and text analysis was used which for easy sorting, structuring, and analyzing of large amounts of text and data facilitate the management of the resulting interpretations and evaluations. And this software is called MAXQDA, qualitative data analysis. MAXQDA is designed   in the extensive attributes for the use in quantitative and qualitative data analysis and mixed methods research. The emphasis on going beyond qualitative research can be observed in the extensive attributes function (called variables in the programs itself) and the ability of the programme to deal relatively quickly with larger numbers of interview, Based on a content analysis, the researcher drew conclusions about the respective object of research like interview data.


The trustworthiness is the ability to be relied on as honest or truthful. This can be seen on trust given by the respondents to the researcher as being transparent on what he heard or seen. The quality of the research is depense upon on how the respondents feel inside that shows conformity while answering on the given question. It shows how the reactions or the response of the participants, on how they rely on the researcher.

Researchers must establish the four aspects of trustworthiness: credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability (StatisticSolutions, 2020). Credibility is something that you can gain by convincing other people; Dependability is something that someone can rely on you; Transferably refers to the research study findings could be applicable to other situations, contexts, times and populations is establish by giving the readers with evidences;  and corfimibility is being submissive.

Data analysis should be administered in a specific, constant, and absolute process care of registering, systematizing, and revealing the methods of analysis with sufficient detail to be able to the reader to understand and must demonstrate whether the process is credible in order to be accepted as trustworthy, qualitative researchers (Nowell, Norris, & Whire Deborah E, 2017)

To ensure the accuracy of data the researcher will incorporate the following measures in the data collection techniques so that the effectiveness and accurateness of the data collection procedure will be improved. The Parameters and the key factors must also be align in the process. The researcher will also use reliable data resourcess and neutrality will always take place.

 (Simundic, 2011) state that alone which have been arranged, administered and reported in an explecit way, honestly and any evasion from truth is a consider as good research. Any such routine or evasion from the truth in data collection, examination, explanation and publication is called bias.  According to (Norris, 1997) it is simple to tag possible sources of bias it is not potential to form rules for deciding the truth of specific studies or domains of preposition. Neither is it potential to pertain techniques which if succeeded will systematically take away bias and error. We must, hence, to conceive of the social processes that might maintain research faithful and fair and enhance its quality. An organized rules for determining the validity of specific studies or domains of inquiry.


Ethical Concerns

The researcher assured ethics will remain as a top precedence throughout the study.  Ensuring the reliability and validity paramount to the study the researcher follow the methods as conjugated in this chapter.  The informed permission form was posted and given to the participants with this content “The researcher acknowledges his responsibilities under Republic Act No. 10173 (Act) as acknowledged in the 2012 Data Privacy Act. Since the researcher implemented technical and physical security measures, the researcher is upholding the protection of personal data of the respondents. The personal data obtained using this survey form is processed, submitted and stored and can only be accessed by the researcher. (Congress of the Philippines, 2016)

 Letter of Informed Consent follows an outlined by (Nachmias & Nachmias, 2008) containing, “a fair interpretation of operations, description of tempt reasonably to be anticipated, a description of advantages reasonably to be expected, an offer of inquisition concerning the procedures, and a prescription that the person is free to reclaim”.  Associated with the study were minimal on the risks to human subjects.  As specified by their ability to exercise the positions that they manage in the workplace all participants were over eighteen (18) years of age, and did not display any disabled mental capacity, Participants of the study meets the given criteria and all of them qualified. To decrease any future hazard allied to confidentiality in addition, all compiled materials will be eliminated after 5 years, subsequent final approval by the research committee.




                                              Notes in Chapter III

    Ertmer, P & Ottenbrent-Leftwich A (2012) Teacher Technology Change, How knowledge,

                  confidence, beliefs and culture interest, Journal of Research on Technology in Education

   Ferrel, J (2013) Examining generational differences in the workplace: Work Centrality, and theirs

                  Relation to Employee Work Engagement Diversity of Wiscousm

   Fletcher F Roberts C., Gibson C. Gibson D (2009) Generational Cohorts and their Attitudes Toward

                 Work related Issues in Central Kentucky

   Flores L (2009) Leadership Practices in Filipino Catholic Schools A model in Educational Management: Quezon City

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